What’s the cost to upgrade from ESR Second Edition to ESR Series 3?

If you upgrade before 31 March 2022 with an eligible Upgrade Code the cost is $10.00 (plus shipping and any applicable taxes…). If you upgrade after 31 March 2022, $19.00 (again, plus shipping and potentially taxes).

If you don’t have an Upgrade Code, you can still take advantage of pre-order pricing to purchase ESR Series 3 prior to 31 March 2022 for $19.00 USD.

Who is eligible for upgrade pricing?

Anyone who has a copy of CPG-1: Et sans résultat! Second Edition: The Complete Player’s Guide that The Wargaming Company, LLC originally shipped between 1 December 2018 and 31 December 2021. This includes copies purchased later from resellers, including those purchased after 31 December 2021 with valid Upgrade Codes.

What if I purchased my copy of CPG-1: The Complete Player’s Guide from a reseller, got it at a convention give away, received it cast out of a magical portal?

If your copy of CPG-1: The Complete Player’s Guide has a valid/eligible upgrade code that hadn’t been redeemed yet, it doesn’t matter how you received it – so long as it was lawful – you can still receive special upgrade pricing, just use the code.

How long does the upgrade option last?

The upgrade price will increase after 31 March 2022, but upgrade pricing will continue through at least 31 December 2022.

How do I upgrade?

Purchase a copy of ESR Series 3 from The Wargaming Company, LLC and provide your Upgrade Code at the time of purchase. If you are upgrading via our online store then you simply enter your Upgrade Code in the Add Coupon field of your cart. If you are upgrading at an in-person event, provide us your code in-person.

What if my Upgrade Code doesn’t work?

Tell us about it and we’ll validate your code and then see about finding you a solution.

Can I upgrade through a reseller?

Not at this time. If that changes, we’ll update this FAQ.

Where do I find my upgrade code?

Upgrade codes are located on the last page of CPG-1: Et sans résultat! Second Edition: The Complete Player’s Guide, at the bottom of the page, along the spine, they are formatted as 8-digits in black text on a white label.

What if my upgrade code is 9-digits, not on a white label but printed on the page itself, and has a prefix of “TPS”?

Then unfortunately you don’t have an upgrade code and you are looking at the serial number of the print job.

What if I don’t have an upgrade code?

Then it is likely you purchased your copy of CPG-1: Et sans résultat! Second Edition: The Complete Player’s Guide before December 2018 and are not eligible for special upgrade pricing.

I swear I bought my copy of CPG-1: Et sans résultat! Second Edition: The Complete Player’s Guide after 1 December 2018 but I don’t have an upgrade code… now what?

Contact us and let us know when and where you purchased your copy of CPG-1. We’re likely going to ask for a receipt/proof of purchase to validate when your copy was purchased and that it is eligible for special upgrade pricing. Then we’ll continue our journey together from there.

What if I live in a cave and don’t see anything about upgrade pricing until after 31 March 2022?

Then you can still receive special upgrade pricing with the use of your Upgrade Code, it just won’t be as good of pricing as if you’d come out of your cave and acted between 3 January and 31 March 2022.

What if I stay in my cave until TWC ends the upgrade program?

Well, right now we’ve said the upgrade program will last at least until 31 December 2022, so if you’ve missed an entire year or more and our upgrade program has ended… guessing this shouldn’t be your highest priority?

Can I redeem my Upgrade Code for money?


Why did you replace ESR Second Edition so quickly?

ESR Second Edition was released in 2016, so it was current for six years.

What products can I use my Upgrade Code for special pricing on?

Only ESR Napoleonics: Et sans résultat! Series 3.

On some random date I saw TWC has a sale on ESR Series 3, can I combine that sale with my Upgrade Code?


Companies that publish wargames almost never offer upgrade pricing, how come TWC is?

Because we’re neat, and we love you, and we want you to have nice things.

What if I purchased my copy of CPG-1 before December 2018? Do you not love me and want me to have nice things?

We still love you and we still want you to have nice things, but we hadn’t envisioned when we might replace ESR Second Edition before December 2018, so we didn’t put Upgrade Codes in those books. Also, we trust that all in the time that you’ve had CPG-1 you’ve gotten your money’s worth and enjoyed it thoroughly.

But… from now until 31 March 2022, you can still get ESR Series 3 for 33% off during the pre-order period!

I build a time machine (on a Saturday, when things are built) and time traveled (on a Sunday, when time travel happens) forward to AdeptiCon 2022 so I could get my brand spanking new copy of ESR Series 3… is there an Upgrade Code in it for upgrading to some future release????

I have no idea, because it is still 31 December 2021 for me when I’m writing and ESR Series 3 is in print production still.