Thank you for the fantastic reception we’ve received for ESR Miniatures!

We delivered the first ESR Miniatures pre-orders to gamers at Historicon 2023 where they were very well received and now were working on getting all the rest into the mail for those patiently waiting at home!

The response to our new Napoleonic miniatures line has been so good that we are breaking up the shipping of pre-orders into waves to deal with the volume of orders we need to process. Orders are being allocated to waves in the order they were received, i.e. the earlier you ordered the sooner your order will ship.

The first wave is expected to begin shipping this week (31 July to 4 August).

We’re working to move through pre-order fulfillment as quickly as possible. Once we’ve shipped all outstanding pre-orders we’ll resume our normal shipping practice (orders generally ship within 1-2 business days of receipt).