In the first intro game of AdeptiCon 2024, Oudinot attempts to push back Dokhturov as the Russian general tries to cross a small river and unite his separated command. The initial setup placed the French in a slightly better position, as while Oudinot’s corps d’armée was also dispersed, it was arranged parallel to the Russians and without any intervening obstacle.

Dokhturov began the game by seeking to concentrate about a half mile forward of his crossing point but while his cossack brigade complied promptly, there were delays getting his right wing moving. Ultimately the timing of this helped him, allowing the Russians to counter the French directly.

The Russians managed to get across the river and despite the battle being fought mostly separately by the two opposing wings across a large front it was a decisive opening to this year’s convention. The French were thrown back on both wings and while Dokhturov’s left was also compelled to withdraw closer to its crossing point, his right remained relatively fresh and would be able to continue pushing. Alas, the Russians declined further pursuit and the French withdrew.

Checkout ESR Napoleonics, ESR Miniatures, and a variety of trees and ground cover.

Oudinot's right flank (foreground)

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Macdonald's corps d'armée marches onto the field with one of Oudinot's divisions in the foreground.