The fifth version of this engagement took a great turn when Hohenlohe and Hiller took the opportunity to coordinate entirely against Lannes, who, strangely, obliged them. Vandamme was shocked to see that Hiller turned his entire korps right, moving away from him and exposing their flank and rear. However, while this moved looked risky, Hiller felt it was imperative he combined his Force with that of Hohenlohe to take on Lannes – who was moving with great haste directly for Hohenlohe’s position.

Hohenlohe was potentially very vulnerable. His lead division, under Ulm, was stalled crossing a shallow river at Blauehäuserweißerfensterlädenstadt and Lindeneau’s Grenadier Division was still a good two miles behind. In Vandamme’s quadrant, the general was doing everything he could to push forward on Hiller’s flank in the hope of taking pressure off of Lannes, but his fellow commander appeared determined to drive forward without concern or regard.

Despite Vandamme’s efforts and repeated warnings, Lannes locked himself in combat with Ulm’s Division, he called up St. Sulpice’s cuirassiers but after an abortive charge through dense woods, followed by a second against the front of Lindeneau’s grenadiers, they withdrew from the field exhausted. Meanwhile, his right wing was taken from the flank and rear by the arrival of Hiller. Vandamme was forced to look on as disaster struck.

In three hours, we completed four hours of battle (13 turns), Hiller escaped Vandamme’s pursuit, and Lannes suffered a horrible setback with two divisions broken against a superior foe without motivation to hold back. All rules, terrain, and miniatures, are available in our online store.